Jane regularly hears women saying they don’t know how to apply make-up and are afraid to experiment with colour. She believes a make-up lesson is a wonderful remedy to this problem. Jane offers a couple of options when it comes to make-up lessons.
1. Individual make-up lessons
Jane works individually with people on a one to one basis. This lesson takes approximately 2 1/2 hours. Jane goes through the whole make-up process, educating clients on skin care, foundations that suit the individual’s needs etc. When it comes to the eye make-up , Jane works on one eye and then the client replicates this on the other. This gives the client an opportunity to work with professional brushes and product. Like any craftsman their tools are the tricks of the trade. Jane will also go through the client’s personal make-up and advise them accordingly.
2. Group lessons
Jane will work with small groups of people in the comfort of their home. These nights are a fun alternative to a girl’s night out. Jane chooses one from the group to work on, going through the whole make-up process from start to finish. The group has an opportunity to ask any questions or address any concerns regarding their own make-up. Jane will advise them on products that would best suit their needs and the importance of working with good brushes and the pitfalls to look out for.